/** * */ $(document).ready(function($,W,D) { var a, b, c, submitContent, captcha, locked, validSubmit = false, timeoutHandle; // Generating a simple sum (a + b) to make with a result (c) function generateCaptcha(){ a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); b = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); c = a + b; submitContent = '' + a + ' + ' + b + '' + ' = '; $('.submit__generated').html(submitContent); init(); } // Check the value 'c' and the input value. function checkCaptcha(){ if(captcha === c){ // Pop the green valid icon $('.submit__generated') .removeClass('unvalid') .addClass('valid'); $('.submit').removeClass('overlay'); $('.submit__overlay').fadeOut('fast'); $('#submitBtn').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.submit__error').addClass('hide'); $('.submit__error--empty').addClass('hide'); validSubmit = true; } else { if(captcha === ''){ $('.submit__error').addClass('hide'); $('.submit__error--empty').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.submit__error').removeClass('hide'); $('.submit__error--empty').addClass('hide'); } // Pop the red unvalid icon $('.submit__generated') .removeClass('valid') .addClass('unvalid'); $('.submit').addClass('overlay'); $('.submit__overlay').fadeIn('fast'); $('#submitBtn').attr('disabled', true); validSubmit = false; } return validSubmit; } function unlock(){ locked = false; } // Refresh button click - Reset the captcha $('.submit__control i.fa-refresh').on('click', function(){ if (!locked) { locked = true; setTimeout(unlock, 500); generateCaptcha(); setTimeout(checkCaptcha, 0); } }); // init the action handlers - mostly useful when 'c' is refreshed function init(){ $('form').on('submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if($('.submit__generated').hasClass('valid')){ // var formValues = []; captcha = $('.submit__input').val(); if(captcha !== ''){ captcha = Number(captcha); } checkCaptcha(); if(validSubmit === true){ validSubmit = false; // Temporary direct 'success' simulation //submitted(); } } else { return false; } }); // Captcha input result handler $('.submit__input').on('propertychange change keyup input paste', function(){ // Prevent the execution on the first number of the string if it's a 'multiple number string' // (i.e: execution on the '1' of '12') window.clearTimeout(timeoutHandle); timeoutHandle = window.setTimeout(function(){ captcha = $('.submit__input').val(); if(captcha !== ''){ captcha = Number(captcha); } checkCaptcha(); },150); }); // Add the ':active' state CSS when 'enter' is pressed $('body') .on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which === 13) { if($('.submit-form').hasClass('overlay')){ checkCaptcha(); } else { $('.submit-form').addClass('enter-press'); } } }) .on('keyup', function(e){ if (e.which === 13) { $('.submit-form').removeClass('enter-press'); } }); // Refresh button click - Reset the captcha $('.submit-control i.fa-refresh').on('click', function(){ if (!locked) { locked = true; setTimeout(unlock, 500); generateCaptcha(); setTimeout(checkCaptcha, 0); } }); // Submit white overlay click $('.submit-form-overlay').on('click', function(){ checkCaptcha(); }); } generateCaptcha(); $("#addUserForm").validate( { rules: { // simple rule, converted to {required:true} noKP: "required", }, messages: { noKP: { required : "Please enter your UTMID username" } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $(form).ajaxSubmit({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: '../emailTemplateUser.json', data: $(form).serialize(), //data : {JSONdata : ""}, success: function(response,jqXHR,textStatus){ var censoredAltEmail = response.result; censoredAltEmail = censoredAltEmail.split("___")[0]; censoredAltEmail = censoredAltEmail.replace(/OK---/gim, ""); var isUserExist = response.result; isUserExist = isUserExist.split("___")[1]; //isUserExist = isUserExist.replace(/OK---/gim, ""); if (isUserExist == "userExist") { if (confirm("Change Password Link has been sent to (" + censoredAltEmail + ").\nCheck your Inbox or Spam Folder.\nClick on the Link and you'll be redirected to a Reset Password page.\nCONTACT US \nMobile Apps : DigitalCare@UTMSmart | Email : digitalcare@utm.my | Phone No : 07-5532136 (JB) / 03-26154440 (KL)")) { location.reload(); } else{ location.reload(); } } else { if (confirm("User NOT Found. Please re-enter your UTMID username or CONTACT US Mobile Apps : DigitalCare@UTMSmart | Email : digitalcare@utm.my | Phone No : 07-5532136 (JB) / 03-26154440 (KL).")) { location.reload(); } else{ location.reload(); } } //if (confirm("Change Password Link has been sent to (" + censoredAltEmail + ").\nCheck your Inbox or Spam Folder.\nClick on the Link and you'll be redirected to a Reset Password page.\nCONTACT US Mobile Apps : DigitalCare@UTMSmart | Email : digitalcare@utm.my | Phone No : 07-5532136 (JB) / 03-26154440 (KL)")) // {location.reload();} //else{location.reload();} }, error: function(response,jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown) { if (confirm("Reset Password Fail: No E-Mail found. \nCONTACT US Mobile Apps : DigitalCare@UTMSmart | Email : digitalcare@utm.my | Phone No : 07-5532136 (JB) / 03-26154440 (KL)")) { location.reload(); } else { location.reload(); } }, }); //return false; } }); } ); //@ sourceURL=resetPassword.jsz